Introduction to Podiatry Ultrasound
In our free online podiatry course, learn how to scan the most common podiatry problems.
Free Course/Modules
1st MTP Joint (Scan)
Achilles Tendon (Scan)
ATFL & AITFL (Scan + 1 Injection Demos)
Deltoid Ligament (Scan)
Fibularis Longus and Brevis Tendon PRP (Scan)
Midfoot (Talonavicular) (Scan)
Morton's Neuroma (Scan)
Plantar Fascia (Scan)
Subtalar & Sinus Tarsi (Scan + 1 Injection Demo)
Tibialis Posterior Tendon (Scan)
Tibiotalar (Ankle) Joint (Scan)
1 hour of video content
Learn the Fundamentals and Advanced Scanning Techniques
In our online podiatry course, learn to scan and inject the common podiatry problems
Price: $495USD
1st MTP Joint (Scan + 2 Injection Demos)
Achilles Tendon (Scan + 3 Injection Demos)
ATFL & AITFL (Scan + 2 Injection Demos)
Deltoid Ligament (Scan + 1 Injection Demo)
Fibularis Longus and Brevis Tendon PRP (Scan + 1 Injection Demo)
Midfoot (Talonavicular) (Scan + 1 Injection Demo)
Morton's Neuroma (Scan + 1 Injection Demo - in production)
Plantar Fascia (Scan + 3 Injection Demos)
Subtalar & Sinus Tarsi (Scan + 2 Injection Demos)
Tibialis Posterior Tendon (Scan + 1 Injection Demo)
Tibiotalar (Ankle) Joint (Scan + 2 Injection Demos)
PRP Certification - The Product (compare top kits)
PRP Certification - The Patient (select the best patients)
PRP Certification - The Procedure (perform perfect injections)
Printable PDFs to use in clinic
2 years access
>5 hours of content
Sports Medicine Ultrasound has been teaching Doctors and Surgeons across North America since 2018, through Live Events and Online Resources. We teach Orthopedic Surgeons, Sports Medicine & Family Doctors on MSK ultrasound-guided injections for joints, tendons, ligaments & nerves.
Now, Sports Medicine Ultrasound also teaches podiatry courses!